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Frozen Banana Bites

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Frozen Banana Bites

These have been a lovely little treat for Aara in the warmer weather, super simple and so easy to make.

Suitable for 12+ Months

> 1 Banana
> Greek Yogurt
> Smooth Peanut Butter
> Chia Seeds

> Slice the banana into thin equal slices
> Using a cup, light squash the banana slices
> Spoon some yogurt on top of each banana bite
> Drizzle peanut butter across the top
> Finally sprinkle with some Chia seeds
> and Freeze
> Before serving allow the bites to thaw a little

Can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 months

Our silicone Sippy cup and Lion plate came in super handy when making these. 

Martha Oh My!`
Practical | Modern | 
Sustainable | Safe